Creating a new path in the life of the village Napkor, and laying the foundations of private forest- and wildlife management.


Napkori Erdőgazdák zRt.

The Napkori Erdőgazdák Szövetkezete, which was a cooperative of forest owners in Napkor and the legal predecessor of our joint-stock company, was founded in 1992 by 86 people. Their aim was to unite the areas of forest that they owned and to manage them as professionally and efficiently as possible. Establishing the cooperative created a new path in the life of the village of Napkor, and laid the foundations for private forest management and game farming.

We currently manage 834 hectares of forest land, and we are entitled to organise hunts on 12,555 hectares. We have always shared the knowledge and experience we have collected here over the decades with open hearts and a love of the profession. This is why we started running forest school programs. It’s also why we host professional events, and it’s why we offer relaxation, hiking, and hunting to anyone who visits us. We believe that not all of us can understand everything. But as we are already operating authentically and effectively on nearly a thousand hectares of private property, and as we are providing professional support on thousands of hectares of forest land, we can guarantee to offer all current and future forest owners the opportunity to cooperate. It makes us feel good to take the burden off your shoulders if we can.

Get to know us, be our guests, and experience everything that we recommend on this site

Napkori Erdőgazdák Zrt., is a specialist forestry management company. We make our knowledge base, team of specialists and equipment available to anyone so that we can preserve the forests of the future. We are working for ecologically stable forest stands and taking care of the natural value of the forest, while also keeping in mind the economic interests of the owners. There are many ways we can work together with you, so we recommend contacting us using the contact details provided.

Since 2017, we have had hunting rights for a total of 12,555 ha of land in the areas surrounding the villages of Napkor, Apagy, Magy, Kállósemjén, Sényő and Nyírtura. We provide our guests with comprehensive and high-quality hunting both in open areas and in our game parks. In addition to big game, we make it possible to hunt game birds thanks to the intensive indoor rearing of pheasants and mallards we carry out. Are you looking for a great opportunity to hunt socially? Feel free to get in touch.

The country’s first private forestry themed open-air school the Harangodi Erdészeti Iskola was established in 2005 with the aim of introducing visitors to the people living in the Napkor, their traditions, and the forest of Harangod, and especially to the plants and animals that make it its home. In our opinion, environmental education is at least as important, if not more important, than hard work, which is why we encourage everyone to visit our well-equipped school, which is in a natural environment and offers successful events. When you get to know us you won’t have any qualms about sending your kids here.